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Englisch Online Unterricht mit Muttersprachler Jimmy

Juni 16, 2020
Views: 939
Ad ID: 12694
  • Englisch
Contact Information
Geschlecht: Männlich
Nationalität: Vereinigtes Komigreich
Gratis Probestunde (Dauer der Probestunde 45 Min.): Ja
Mein persönliches Profil – Über mich:


If you’re reading this then I bet you’re interested in improving your English. I’m a native teacher (British) with over 10 years of teaching experience.

Let’s focus on your spoken English: your fluency, pronunciation, and building up vocabulary and useful expressions. These lessons are always a relaxed environment where we talk about all sorts of topics and I encourage you to express yourself freely without me constantly interrupting! At the end of a typical lesson, we will discuss one or two aspects of your spoken English which need attention (fossilized mistakes) and improve them with a few exercises.

The profile of student who can benefit the most out of these lessons are adults or mature teenagers who genuinely want to learn and who already have an intermediate or higher level in the language.

Our sessions would be online (which I can verify is a great way to do this!).
Still interested?

Englisch Nativ Speaker gibt Online Kurse

Ich heisse Jimmy und unterricht Englisch (British English). Ich unterrichte Online. Es ist sehr flexibel, bequem und es funktioniert! Ich freue mich auf Euch!

Sprachlehrer-Aktiv hat 5,00 von 5 Sternen 35 Bewertungen auf ProvenExpert.com